
Brady Cobin Law Groups Sponsors 2019 Scholarship Essay Contest

The Brady Cobin Law Group, PLLC  is pleased to sponsor a 2019 scholarship essay contest with $4,500 in prizes to help students with education expenses. The attorneys at Brady Cobin Law Group understand the value of careful planning at all stages of life — when planning for college when getting married and starting a family, when looking out for ageing parents and when looking toward retirement. Through the essay contest, our law firm is inviting young people to reflect on these issues and share their thoughts about planning for the future. Students interested in competing for the scholarship prizes should select one of the three topics listed below and write an original essay of up to 500 words:   • At what age do you think individuals should begin planning for unforeseen circumstances? What are the major areas they should consider? What would happen in the event an estate or will have not been established, and how can we teach future generations about the importance of plann